
The END GBV in VET project is designed to combat gender-based violence in vocational education and training. The project provides training for students, teachers/staff, and parents who want to better understand and address GBV. Furthermore, the program offers support and consultations through comprehensive on-site service facilities. The END GBV project team consists of VET institutes and professionals from Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, and Spain.

The portal aims to train  students, teachers, and parents on gender-based violence (GBV).

The portal provides users with training materials to help them understand and address GBV efficiently. Students can conduct e-consultations with Ambassadors, who are professionally trained in their particular disciplines. Importantly, students can report incidents of GBV immediately through the platform.

Ambassadors use recorded incidences to advocate for a “free of GBV VET” environment. They work hard to raise awareness and take action to establish a safer educational environment.

END GBV in VET Courses

Limitless learning, more possibilities.

Countries Reached
Courses Published